Offices of the Holy Spirit 1

by Pastor John Hamel


“And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:” (Ephesians 4:11,12)


In these verses Paul is referring to the five New Testament pulpit offices.  In Pentecostal and Charismatic circles these Gifts are called “Five-fold Ministry Offices.”  The Apostle Paul made no attempt here to define any of these Gift offices.  


We will, in this short series, with Paul’s help, do exactly that.  We will devote one lesson each to all five Ministry offices.  Brief as each lesson will be, you will come to understand the differences between all five offices.


All of the Five-fold Ministry Offices are supernatural.  They have nothing to do with natural abilities at all.  A schoolteacher cannot just decide to step into the office of the Five-fold Bible Teacher.  


As a matter of fact, anyone who attempts to stand in any of these offices in the flesh is in quite a deadly position indeed.  Yes, I am saying that one could die for assuming an office without the call of God. (1Samuel 13:9-14; 31:1-6)


Only the Holy Spirit gives these Gifts to individuals.  Each one is a supernatural Gift and no one Gift is more important than another.  No individual who possesses these Gifts is more important than another. 


I once heard a Pastor stand before his congregation and decree, “I am a Gift to the Body of Christ.”  It was rather arrogant, lacking all humility.  Immediately I heard the still small voice of the Holy Spirit say, “No, he is not the Gift.  The Gift is on the inside of him.”  


I will always remember that.  I trust you will, too.  Being called to any Ministry Office is simply an act of God’s great mercy.  He calls the foolish, the weak, the base and the despised. (1Corinthians 1:27)  Forget this and darkness will cover your eyes!


Some individuals stand in more than one office.  I am personally acquainted with some who do, including myself.  The Apostle Paul certainly did.  


Of course, Jesus stood powerfully in all five offices.  He was an Apostle (Hebrews 3:1), a Prophet (Matthew 13:57), a Pastor (John 10:11-16), a Teacher (Matthew 9:35; Mark 6:6) and an Evangelist. (Matthew 4:23,24; Luke 19:10) 


No one will ever stand in any or all of these offices as powerfully as Jesus did.  He had the Holy Spirit’s power in an unlimited manner. (John 3:34)  All who come after Him have only limited degrees of power. (Romans 12:3) 


We will not waste any time with the unscriptural misconception that the Apostle and Prophet’s offices have passed away.  That’s simply not in the Bible.


Everyone is not called to each of these offices.  


Ask the Holy Spirit if you are.  He will let you know, clear as a bell!


Be Blessed … John and Barbara Hamel  



How to Be Born Again (Receive Christ as Your Savior)


How to Receive The Holy Spirit & Power



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