Receive Your Financial Miracle, Pt.1
Understanding Why Money Comes

by Pastor John Hamel

“For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich.” (2Corinthians 8:9)

What does the Bible mean when it says Jesus “became poor that we…might become rich”? It’s simple. Poverty is a curse for living in sin. The Bible says that Jesus bore our sin on Calvary’s Cross. (2Corinthians 5:21) Since He bore our sin, He also bore the penalties of our sin. One of those penalties is poverty. (Deuteronomy 28:17; Galatians 3:13,14) Jesus “became poor” at the time He “became sin.”

This simply means that you don’t have to suffer in poverty if you have made Jesus your Lord. It’s simple to make Jesus your Lord. Just say, “Jesus, You’re my choice” and you’re in the family and qualify for all family benefits. (Romans 10:13; John 1:12; Psalm 103:1-5)

Those who say, “Jesus lived a life of poverty and we should, too,” don’t understand that Jesus “became poor” at the Cross, in our place.  He did not live in poverty during His Earth visit.

This is proven by the fact that He had a Treasurer. His name was Judas and he was the accountant for Jesus’ twelve-man entourage and their families. Once you have these things straight in your thinking, you are on your way to Jesus’ financial assistance.

Now, there are three primary reasons why God grants financial miracles to people. These three primary reasons are actually the same three primary reasons for which Jesus came.

Understanding why Jesus came gives instant insight into why financial miracles occur.

FIRST and foremost, Jesus came to save lost men and women from the throes of Hell. “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” (Luke 19:10) First and foremost, financial miracles occur when God is persuaded that we will use no less than ten percent or a “tithe” of His financial blessing to help Ministries who go out after lost souls. (Malachi 3:8-10; Leviticus 27:30; Hebrews 7:8)

SECOND, Jesus came to break Satan’s hold on the suffering people of the world. “…For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.” (1John 3:8) When God is persuaded that we will invest in Ministries that set human beings free from the clutches of eternal damnation, sickness, disease, poverty, suffering and fear, He will initiate financial miracles on our behalf. You can bank on it, literally!

The THIRD reason Jesus came was that His people would enjoy abundance of life. “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10)  It is the will of God for all of His children to enjoy prosperity. (Psalm 35:27)

However, we must understand what I call “Biblical Prosperity in Perspective.” We must have “all of our ducks in a row,” so to speak. We must understand that money, like Jesus, comes to seek and save the lost, first and foremost. Money, like Jesus, comes to finance the breaking of Satan’s hold on precious human beings. Last, but not least, money, like Jesus, comes so that God’s family would have all needs abundantly met -- with enough left over to give the way the Bible instructs and then some!

Ask God to forgive you if you’ve missed it in these three areas. He will do it.


“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1John 1:9)


So there is no need to get into fear when we are wrong. It’s okay to be wrong as long as when we realize we are wrong we make the decision to not stay wrong.  Do one thing. Ask Him to forgive you.  He’ll do four things.  He’ll be faithful.  He’ll be just to put your sin under His Son’s Blood. He’ll forgive you. He’ll cleanse you of all unrighteousness.  


Then start paying your tithes to your Pastor.  If you don’t have a Pastor, ask God to lead you to one.  It’s not possible for your Pastor to do the job God gave him to do when his sheep are disobeying the Bible.  The Bible requires that all Believers in Jesus Christ pay their tithes to the local Church/storehouse. 


Possibly you didn’t know that the word “tithe” means “one-tenth.”  Now you do. God expects you to give one-tenth of all the increase He gives you back into your local Church for the purpose of preaching the Gospel.  If you haven’t been doing this, the Bible calls you a “God robber.”  That’s not good! In part two of this lesson we’ll talk about that.

Be blessed ... John & Barbara Hamel



How to Be Born Again (Receive Christ as Your Savior)


How to Receive The Holy Spirit & Power



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