Biblical Prosperity in Perspective 3

A Supernatural Transfer of Wealth

by Pastor John Hamel


It is important for you to keep in mind that you are not just reading from a computer screen or a printout.  The Anointing of God is speaking to you in this series concerning His will for you to prosper.  You must make a decision to hear and obey what the Anointing is saying.  Keep this in mind as we continue.


We are going to look at something in Second Chronicles chapter 20 once I have told you what is occurring in the narrative.  


A confederation of five Kings and their armies came together to give the Nation of Israel a whipping and to take all of their possessions.  King Jehoshaphat and all of Israel suddenly found themselves faced with horrible fear.  


Have you ever been faced with the fear of losing everything?  Are you faced with the fear of losing everything right now?  


God has something to say to encourage you today.  You will not lose everything if you obey Him.  You will not lose everything if you believe what you are learning and act on it.


God spoke to the Prophet Jahaziel and gave Jehoshaphat and the Nation of Israel some very specific instruction on how to fight this particular, overwhelming battle.  Jahaziel instructed everyone to stay out of fear and to know that the Lord was going to fight this battle for them supernaturally.  You will find all of this in verses 1-15. King Jehoshaphat received the Lord’s encouragement through His Prophet, Jahaziel.  


Jehoshaphat then stood up and encouraged Israel.  Here is what he said.


“And they rose early in the morning, and went forth into the wilderness of Tekoa: and as they went forth, Jehoshaphat stood and said, Hear me, O Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem; Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established; believe His Prophets, so shall ye prosper.” (2Chronicles 20:20)


Israel believed that God would fight for them.  Israel believed the words of the Prophet.  They did as they were instructed and supernatural abundance fell out of the hands of the armies that came against them.  Supernatural abundance fell into their hands because they followed God’s instruction and listened to His Prophet.  You must do the same.  


You must believe that God will fight for you as you pay your tithes and offerings.  You must believe the teachings of His Word that come to you through His Prophets.  You must turn and walk away from all who disparage Prophets of prosperity in perspective.  They will fill you with fear and drain you of faith to prosper. 


God is a God of abundance.  There is more money and material substance in this Earth right now than anyone can ever even imagine.  The poverty that is in the Earth is not a result of a lack of money or material substance.  It is a result of sin.  It is a result of greed and poor management on man’s part.  


The Earth is full of prosperity.  Much of it is in the hands of sinners just like so much of it was in the hands of Israel’s enemies.  God wants to put much of it into the hands of His obedient children supernaturally even as He did with Israel.  The Bible reveals this.


“A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.” (Proverbs 13:22)


Although the entirety of the world's wealth will not be transferred over to the Body of Christ until Christ comes to set up His Millennial Reign, abundance is indeed the will of God for His obedient children in the meantime. (3 John 2)  


All the gold and silver in the world belongs to God and is simply on loan to the just and the unjust. 


"The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine, saith the Lord of Hosts.  The Glory of this latter house shall be greater than the former, saith the Lord of Hosts: And in this place will I give peace, saith the Lord of Hosts." (Haggai 2:8-9)


Although God allows the world to use His great wealth in order that their physical and material needs be met, it is not God's will for the devil's children to control all the money that is in the world.  God desires much of that wealth to be utilized by His children for the propagation of the Gospel and for the meeting of their physical and material needs.  


In the past forty years the message of prosperity in perspective and faith in God's Word has increased in the Earth.  As a result great wealth has been coming into the hands of many Believers. Those who willingly pay tithes to their local Church, who give offerings by the leading of the Holy Spirit and who willingly obey God's revealed will for their specific lives are the ones who will be entrusted with the management of this increased wealth.  


One other thing.  Those who expect God to prosper them supernaturally must also be willing to live moderate lifestyles.  God gives money for service, not status.  Many Faith Ministers of the Gospel have used their faith to prosper tremendously.  Sadly, many of them use money sent by God and intended to promote the Gospel in order to live ostentatious, extravagant lifestyles.  In turn they confuse many and turn them away from the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Dr. Kenneth E. Hagin said, in his book "The Midas Touch. A Balanced Approach to Biblical Prosperity," "Ministers should not live in extravagant homes or drive extravagant automobiles. It offends and injures many."


Again, God gives money for service to Him not for status for ourselves. Many popular prosperity Ministers have brought great shame to themselves and reproach to God through the misuse of God-given wealth. 


God has made His priorities very clear in the Bible.  Once His priorities become our priorities, we will begin to see some of the world’s tremendous wealth come directly into our own hands.  


This wealth will come directly from God for three primary reasons.  Only once we get these three primary reasons straight will the type of prosperity that God promises come into our hands. 


We’ll talk about these three primary reasons for prosperity in our next lesson.


By the way, if you have not made Jesus the Prophet of Prosperity the Lord of your life, you are out in left field without a glove when it comes to God prospering you.  Get a clue and get a glove by saying, “Jesus, You’re my choice for Lord and Savior.” (Romans 10:13)  


That’s when God becomes your Father and starts hitting prosperity line drives right at you.


Be blessed … John and Barbara Hamel



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